Sunday, September 21, 2008

Labor Day

(this is me at 36 weeks)

On Thursday September 18th, I went to work as usual since I was still almost 2 weeks before my due date. I felt that I was terminally pregnant...however while attending a neuro conference that morning my water broke! I casually walked over to the Women's Center and could not believe that my baby would arrive soon. Chris crazily drove to the hospital, but unbeknown to both of us, it would be a long labor. I entered the hospital on Thursday morning, but by Friday morning I was only dilated at about 4 centimeters. My doctor increased my pitocin and my epidural was placed, but I was so exhausted and anxious. Finally at around 2 pm, I was dilated enough to begin pushing. For almost 2 and half hours, I pushed and pushed. But poor baby Katke got stuck in my pelvis! No matter how hard I pushed, she did not move further, but only got more and more cone headed. I received the unfortunate news that I would need a C-section in order to prevent further distress to the baby and myself.

Finally, baby Katke arrived.

Isabella Maria Katke
Born at 6: 48 pm
Weight: 8 pounds
Length: 20 inches

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friends and Babies...

(Doug, Jacquie, and baby Jacob)

So we had our friends from all over (Seattle, Morton, Boise, Spokane, etc.) come to visit for our baby shower. It was so much fun. Doug and Jacquie brought their little boy, Jacob, who is almost 3 months. Little Baby Katke has received a ton of stuff. I hope she gets to wear her outfits at least once before she outgrows them. It was a great weekend, we reminisced about our old college days at EWU
