Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day

So for Thanksgiving, we had a fun but busy day. We began the morning with brisk walk around Manito Park for the annual Turkey Trot. Daddy carried Isabella in the front pack while walking around the park.

We then went to Grandma Linda and Papa Mike Katke's for an early afternoon Turkey dinner, then off to Grandma and Grandpa Karier's for a second dinner (Turkey Loaf). That Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Karier babysat Isabella so that we could attend an evening wedding. Isabella did great and enjoyed spending alone time with the grandparents. Overall it was a busy weekend!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bath Time

So little Isabella is finally tolerating baths. Although she isn't thrilled about baths, she doesn't scream anymore. She gets more of a quizzical look on her face, unsure of what to think about the whole situation. The good thing is that it does relax her and makes her sleepy afterwards. Therefore getting down for night time has been a little easier...
(Looking at Daddy)

Isabella is uncertain about bath time...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


One of the hardest things about being a new mommy and having an infant baby is Night Time. Miss Isabella at times can be quite nocturnal, and while she is cute as button, it is hard when she is happy and wanting to play at 3 am. If anyone has any suggestions or techniques I am open to them. She is very inconsistent with night times. Some nights she will sleep 4 hours in a row, while other nights I am getting up every 1 1/2 hours.

Anyway, otherwise she is quite a happy and fun baby.

Below is a picture of her with Grandma Ester. She is such an alert little girl!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Isabella Maria Katke

Mommy and Isabella (7 weeks old)

So Isabella is the joy of our lives! The day she was born was the happiest day of our lives. I have never seen such a proud daddy as Chris that day. He is so loving and has embraced fatherhood so amazingly. I love being home with her everyday and can't believe how fast my maternity leave is passing by. She changes so much every week and I am amazed at her weekly accomplishments. Anyway, I wanted to include some pictures of her as she changes, she is quite a photogenic little girl...

Isabella is 2 weeks old

Isabella is 3 weeks old-Hanging Out with Daddy

Isabella is 4 weeks old and starting to smile more every day

Isabella is 6 weeks old, and starting to hold her head up more each day