Saturday, December 27, 2008

Feliz Navidad

I wanted to post up some of our Family Christmas pictures. Isabella is 3 months now and appears to be changing daily. She is starting to coo and "talk" to us, smiling more on purpose (not just gas bubbles), and being more social. She is sleeping great at night, and sadly I have to return to work after the new year so I am so sad to be leaving my baby girl. However I will only be working 4 days a week and can work part of that from home. And the good news is that Chris is taking one month off for "Paternity Leave" to stay with Baby Isabella. After which in February Bubbe Rose will stay with her, she is like another grandmother to Isabella, and a close family friend to us. We absolutely love her and are so happy Isabella will be taken great care of with love.

Our first Christmas with Isabella was very special. Although she was so excited for it all, that she fell asleep and slept through most of it. When she did wake up she stared at all the activities, but mainly was mesmerized by the Christmas lights. Overall it was a fun holiday season even with the many feet of snow. At least we had a White Christmas

Monday, December 15, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

So last Sunday we went to Madeleine's in downtown Spokane with the Katke family for Isabella's first "Breakfast with Santa." It was a delicious brunch, but I must say that the Santa there was a little cheesy. We then went across the street to River Park Square for official Santa pictures. We really like the Santa there, more realistic (well at least his beard is real...)

Here is the Cheesy Santa picture...

Here are the pictures of the River Park Square Santa. On the left is Isabella with her cousins Julia (4 years), Claire (2 1/2 years), and Abi (4 years). On the right is Isabella with the River Park Square Santa. Isabella is now 12 weeks old!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Isabella and Daddy

So every Seahawks Sunday, Isabella watches football with her daddy. She has a couple of outfits she likes to wear....


Isabella is also starting to enjoy reading time...

Here is another picture..

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day

So for Thanksgiving, we had a fun but busy day. We began the morning with brisk walk around Manito Park for the annual Turkey Trot. Daddy carried Isabella in the front pack while walking around the park.

We then went to Grandma Linda and Papa Mike Katke's for an early afternoon Turkey dinner, then off to Grandma and Grandpa Karier's for a second dinner (Turkey Loaf). That Saturday Grandma and Grandpa Karier babysat Isabella so that we could attend an evening wedding. Isabella did great and enjoyed spending alone time with the grandparents. Overall it was a busy weekend!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bath Time

So little Isabella is finally tolerating baths. Although she isn't thrilled about baths, she doesn't scream anymore. She gets more of a quizzical look on her face, unsure of what to think about the whole situation. The good thing is that it does relax her and makes her sleepy afterwards. Therefore getting down for night time has been a little easier...
(Looking at Daddy)

Isabella is uncertain about bath time...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


One of the hardest things about being a new mommy and having an infant baby is Night Time. Miss Isabella at times can be quite nocturnal, and while she is cute as button, it is hard when she is happy and wanting to play at 3 am. If anyone has any suggestions or techniques I am open to them. She is very inconsistent with night times. Some nights she will sleep 4 hours in a row, while other nights I am getting up every 1 1/2 hours.

Anyway, otherwise she is quite a happy and fun baby.

Below is a picture of her with Grandma Ester. She is such an alert little girl!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Isabella Maria Katke

Mommy and Isabella (7 weeks old)

So Isabella is the joy of our lives! The day she was born was the happiest day of our lives. I have never seen such a proud daddy as Chris that day. He is so loving and has embraced fatherhood so amazingly. I love being home with her everyday and can't believe how fast my maternity leave is passing by. She changes so much every week and I am amazed at her weekly accomplishments. Anyway, I wanted to include some pictures of her as she changes, she is quite a photogenic little girl...

Isabella is 2 weeks old

Isabella is 3 weeks old-Hanging Out with Daddy

Isabella is 4 weeks old and starting to smile more every day

Isabella is 6 weeks old, and starting to hold her head up more each day

Friday, October 31, 2008


Isabella is now 6 weeks old! She is growing daily and getting stronger. Every Wednesday we attend the Mother-Baby Group at Sacred Heart. It is great to meet other moms and get support. For her first Halloween Party she dressed up as a bumble bee. I am proud to say she won the costume contest!!
Here are all the mommies and their babies

My little bumblebee Isabella

This is my nieces with my daugher
Julia (4 yrs), Abi (4 yrs), and Claire (2 yrs) Katke with Isabella (6 weeks)

This is Isabella with her Halloween outfit

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Labor Day

(this is me at 36 weeks)

On Thursday September 18th, I went to work as usual since I was still almost 2 weeks before my due date. I felt that I was terminally pregnant...however while attending a neuro conference that morning my water broke! I casually walked over to the Women's Center and could not believe that my baby would arrive soon. Chris crazily drove to the hospital, but unbeknown to both of us, it would be a long labor. I entered the hospital on Thursday morning, but by Friday morning I was only dilated at about 4 centimeters. My doctor increased my pitocin and my epidural was placed, but I was so exhausted and anxious. Finally at around 2 pm, I was dilated enough to begin pushing. For almost 2 and half hours, I pushed and pushed. But poor baby Katke got stuck in my pelvis! No matter how hard I pushed, she did not move further, but only got more and more cone headed. I received the unfortunate news that I would need a C-section in order to prevent further distress to the baby and myself.

Finally, baby Katke arrived.

Isabella Maria Katke
Born at 6: 48 pm
Weight: 8 pounds
Length: 20 inches

Monday, September 8, 2008

Friends and Babies...

(Doug, Jacquie, and baby Jacob)

So we had our friends from all over (Seattle, Morton, Boise, Spokane, etc.) come to visit for our baby shower. It was so much fun. Doug and Jacquie brought their little boy, Jacob, who is almost 3 months. Little Baby Katke has received a ton of stuff. I hope she gets to wear her outfits at least once before she outgrows them. It was a great weekend, we reminisced about our old college days at EWU


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our 3 year anniversary

Today was our 3rd wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. We went to Milford's for a nice seafood and steak dinner. I had non-alcoholic wine to celebrate since I'm almost 8 months pregnant...yikes!

Above is a picture of Chris and I at our anniversary dinner.

Below is a picture of me at 31 weeks.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We have been married for almost three years now and our joyously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl. The due date is October 1st, 2008 and am I ready to have already. I'm already 7 months pregnant and uncomfortable. Pregnancy is so difficult when you are not a very patient person...

Below are pictures of Baby Katke at 19 weeks and of me at 7 months pregnant

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mirna introduces the Govenor

Here is Mirna introducing Governor Chris Gregoire. This was done at the Spokane EWU/WSU Riverpoint Campus in order to kick off the Governor's campaign for re-election in Washington. Mirna was almost 5 months pregnant...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

About us...

Chris and Mirna both went to Lewis and Clark High School, but did not start dating until college. Both attended Eastern Washington University and met up again after discovering they shared mutual friends. Chris at that time had already moved to Seattle after graduating with his teaching degree, while Mirna finished up her internship in occupational therapy. Shortly after graduating,Mirna moved to the West Side to continue her life with Chris. Above are pictures of our wedding. We married in Spokane on August 06, 2005.