Friday, November 7, 2008

Isabella Maria Katke

Mommy and Isabella (7 weeks old)

So Isabella is the joy of our lives! The day she was born was the happiest day of our lives. I have never seen such a proud daddy as Chris that day. He is so loving and has embraced fatherhood so amazingly. I love being home with her everyday and can't believe how fast my maternity leave is passing by. She changes so much every week and I am amazed at her weekly accomplishments. Anyway, I wanted to include some pictures of her as she changes, she is quite a photogenic little girl...

Isabella is 2 weeks old

Isabella is 3 weeks old-Hanging Out with Daddy

Isabella is 4 weeks old and starting to smile more every day

Isabella is 6 weeks old, and starting to hold her head up more each day

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